Streetworks Single Units

This NRSWA Streetworks training course is for utilities, contractors and authorities working on or around the highway. This course is designed for operatives and supervisors who need singular units for specific tasks on the highway.

This course is suited for people looking to obtain particular units of a Streetworks Qualification, without completed the whole course.


See ‘Course Content’ for a list of all units available.

You are able to obtain Units 1 & 2 by themselves, but to hold any other units, you must hold an in date unit 1 & 2, as these are considered ‘mandatory units’


Available units for operatives:


Unit 1 Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus

Unit 2 Signing, Lighting and Guarding

Unit 3 Excavation in the Highway

Unit 4 Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials

Unit 5 Reinstatement of Sub-Base and Roadbase in Non-Bitminuous Materials

Unit 6 Reinstatement in Cold-Lay Bituminous Materials

Unit 7 Reinstatement in Cold-Lay Bituminous Materials

Unit 9 Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways


Supervisory ‘Monitoring’ Units (10-14 & 16) are also available.

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